
Slash program logo is a shield shape filled with an orange and yellow gradient with the word slash written in the middle and a tree rising up from the middle of the shield

Since 2021, JCD has partnered with Jefferson County to collect slash for residents at various sites across the county. The summer and fall program gives residents and small contractors an affordable option for slash disposal for when you are working on hardening your home to protect against home ignition during a wildfire. Visit jeffco.us/slash for more information!

Please be aware the Tincup Ridge Slash Yard  does not accept pine needles for disposal. 

The Slash Program, Defensible Space, & The Forest

In the face of increasing fire incidents, it is more crucial than ever to safeguard our homes and natural landscapes. The Slash Program provides a convenient and low-cost option to minimize the threat of home ignition caused by wildfires. By establishing and maintaining defensible space around your property, you can significantly reduce the risk of wildfire damage to your home.

What is defensible space? It is the area surrounding your home or property that is intentionally modified to create a buffer against approaching fires. This proactive measure helps create a safe zone, giving firefighters a fighting chance to protect your home and assets.

Defensible space entails removing flammable materials, such as dense vegetation, dead trees, and excess brush, while ensuring the proper spacing of trees and the use of fire-resistant plants. 

a couple with sun hats removing branches from their pickup truck on a sunny day

The Slash Program is designed to assist you in implementing these essential practices. The Slash Program provides valuable guidance and resources to property owners, helping them develop and maintain effective defensible space.

Mitigating wildfire risks requires a collective effort. The Slash Program encourages community involvement by fostering collaboration between neighbors, local agencies, and JCD. Through our program, neighborhoods can come together to collectively address defensible space and wildfire mitigation. By pooling resources and knowledge, we improve the safety of our entire community, ensuring that no one faces the threat of wildfires alone.

Don't wait until it's too late. Act now by clearing slash off your property and dropping it off at a slash site near you.  Together, we have the power to create a fire-resistant community and preserve the beauty of our natural landscapes for future generations. 

man in safety vest talking to a man in a pickup truck with branches in the back